Seasonal Allergies

Sniffling, sneezing and coughing are typically the signs of a cold coming on; but for those who have a family member that struggles with seasonal allergies, you know that’s not always the case. Often times, those itchy eyes area sure sign that allergy season is coming and with it the head congestion associated with an allergic response. Of course, it doesn’t have to be that way; while the allopathic community says that allergies are incurable and only manageable, there’s more to the story.

    What are Seasonal Allergies?

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, seasonal allergies, like other allergies, develop when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment that typically causes no problem in most people. Typical airborne allergens include pollen, dust, mold, pet dander and smoke (either cigarette smoke or that produced by burning paper, chemicals or waste products).  When exposed to an allergen, the body triggers the immune system to go into action. The immune system cells, known as “mast cells”, release a substance called histamine that attaches to receptors in blood vessels causing them to enlarge. Histamine also binds to other receptors causing redness, swelling, itching and changes in secretion.

While “allergy season” is considered to be in the Spring (flowers blooming and pollination) the truth is that tree, grass and plant pollination happens throughout the year and, depending upon the allergy, can cause symptoms all year long.  Not only are allergies affected by what is being pollinated, but there are climate factors that can influence the severity

of the symptoms, these include:

•Tree, grass and ragweed pollens thrive during cool nights and warm days

•Molds grow quickly in heat and high humidity

•Pollen levels tend to peak in the morning hours

•Rain washes pollen away, but pollen counts can soar after rainfall

•On a day with no wind, airborne allergens are grounded

•When the day is windy and warm, pollen counts surge

•Moving to another climate to avoid allergies or airborne allergens

Those with seasonal allergies know it is impossible to find a climate with no airborne allergens

What are the typical treatments?

Typically, a medical doctor is going to be focused on relieving the symptoms, not getting to their source, and so will generally recommend over-the-counter allergy medications.  For the child, a pediatrician will commonly suggest diphenhydramine, sold under the brand name Benadryl.

Before following this advice consider the side-effects associated with this chemical: dryness of the mouth, nose and throat; drowsiness; disturbed coordination; upset stomach; dizziness; chest congestion; and headaches. In some cases, these can even include: heart palpitations or increased heart rate; blurred or double vision; hyperactivity or excitability (especially in children); or nervousness or anxiety.  Parents should also be aware, before giving this drug to a child, that this same chemical is used in most over-the-counter sleep aids, including Tylenol PM. The most popular recommended over-the-counter for adolescents and adults is cetirizine HCL, sold under the brand name Zyrtec. This drug is taken to provide temporary relief of runny nose, sneezing, nasal stuffiness and itchy or watery eyes associated with common inhalant allergies. However, the side-effects from this chemical include drowsiness, tiredness, dry mouth and stomach

Dr. Thompson Keeps You Informed

When exposed to allergens, the body triggers the immune system to go into action. 

there are always healthier choices than over-the-counter chemicals, including the following:

•Essential oils – peppermint, basil, eucalyptus, lemon,and tea tree oil are the top 5 essential oils when, dealing with allergies (

•Vitamin C – taken daily can block the histamine that causes the allergy symptoms

•Apple Cider Vinegar – this most popular home remedy should be taken as 2 tbsp Apple Cider

Vinegar, mixed with 4 oz of water and 1 tbsp ofnatural honey up to three times a day

•Raw Honey – 2 tbsp of natural, local honey up to three times a day has been known to relieve

allergy symptoms

•Bromelain – this pineapple extract decreases theinflammation associated with allergies

•Zinc – helps control inflammation in the respiratory tract and supports proper immune function

One of the primary benefits of home remedies, as opposed to over-the-counter drugs, is the absence of chemicals in the body that may create their own problems in side effects.

The Chiropractic Factor

One of the primary causes of allergies is an impaired immune system, which substantially increases the risk of allergic reactions. “This occurs when the immune system becomes stressed due to an overload of toxins,” says C. Gableman, MD, a practitioner of environmental medicine.

Chiropractors are the only healthcare professional that recognizes the important role a healthy

nervous system plays in a healthier immune system.  Most, if not all, over-the-counter and prescription allergy treatments adversely affect the nervous system, which means that they will adversely affect your overall health and wellness.  Many parents report that their children’s allergies improve with regular Chiropractic care; so, before you reach for a chemical, reach for the phone and schedule an appointment with Dr. Thompson today 316-721-3003.

Colicky Infants and Chiropractic Care

Is your infant abnormally fussy? If your baby is younger than five months old and cries for more than three hours in a row, more than three days a week, for three weeks, he or she might have an issue of colic. When a child is colicky, it can be overwhelming as a parent; sometimes it seems as if the baby is crying nonstop without a known cure or solution.

Chiropractic care has been proven to reduce colic symptoms in babies. Because of how gentle the treatment is, chiropractic care relieves the baby of the colicky symptoms without fear that the adjustment will have adverse effects on the child.

If you can’t get to the chiropractor right away, here are a few tips to help soothe your baby during a crying fit:


  1. Swaddle your baby in a thin blanket to help him or her feel safe and warm.

  2. Put your baby in a rocker. The steady motion can help your baby relax enough to fall asleep.

  3. Change the position in which you are holding your baby. Sometimes one position might be uncomfortable for your baby, but another may not be.

  4. Give your baby a pacifier. Every baby won’t take a pacifier, but it can be a quick way to soothe the baby if he or she does like pacifiers.


Don’t let the stress and worry of caring for a colicky baby continue to build up. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Thompson here to relieve your baby’s symptoms and your concerns.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Ear Infections

One common reason to bring your child to a chiropractor is to help improve chronic ear infections. Chronic ear infections occur when your child has fluid build up inside their middle ear cavity. That fluid causes the infection, and the pain your child feels when they say, “mommy, my ear hurts”.

The reason the fluid is trapped in their ear, is because the muscles surrounding the Eustachian tubes are spasming, and blocks the fluid from draining. When you visit the chiropractor, the adjustments we will make to your young child will help those spasms stop.

Chiropractic Care and Ear Infection Research

A 2011 study conducted by Pohlman and Holton-Brown, published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine that reviewed 49 studies proved that there is no evidence to prevent using chiropractic care to help ear infections, and there is no safety issues either.

A chiropractic adjustment is intended to help the normal functioning of the nervous system be restored so the body can heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. That is why it is perfect for your little one.

Don’t wait until your child’s infection gets worse - click here to schedule an appointment today.


Tethered Oral Tissues or Tongue Tie

Tethered Oral Tissues or Tongue Tie

Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) can consist of either a tongue tie (where the thin piece of skin under a baby’s tongue restricts movement of the tongue) or where the upper lip is restricted due to being anchored to the gum.  This thin membrane of tissue should undergo cell death during embryonic development but in some cases will fail to do so, thus, creating a “tethered-like” cord of tissue.  TOTS is a condition that often runs in families and is said to have a genetic component. 

Beyond Breastfeeding

Research implicating tongue tie with difficulties in breastfeeding suggests a broad span; anywhere from 25-60% incidence of breastfeeding associated difficulties such as: failure to thrive, maternal nipple damage, maternal breast pain, poor milk supply as well as difficulty latching and refusing the breast. Some studies have shown that for every day of maternal pain during the first three weeks of breastfeeding, there is a 10-26% risk of stopping breastfeeding. However, difficulties with breastfeeding alone should not be the only concern in order to consider evaluating a baby for TOTS and for possible intervention. In one study, tongue tie was associated with the displacement of the epiglottis and larynx. Infants with this disorder were known to have difficulty breathing.  These infants’ arterial oxygen percent saturation levels were measured during three different times; asleep, suckling and awake. The results showed that their SaO2 was unstable and slightly low; symptoms similar to those observed in victims of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) before their death. Unstable or low SaO2 levels may also lead to neurological and developmental issues in children. In the case of an upper lip tie (ULT), the baby may not be able to obtain a proper latch or seal on the breast. A successful latch occurs when the baby is able to flair their upper lip and take both the areola and the nipple in their mouth. When a baby has an upper lip tie, they are unable to flair their top lip out effectively (like fish lips) and may only take the nipple into their mouth. This may lead to a poor seal and swallowing excessive amounts of air during feeding. The air in the baby’s belly can then lead to symptoms of colic or reflux and unnecessary medications may be prescribed. Lip ties can also hold mother’s milk on the front surface of the upper front teeth during nighttime at-will feeding, leading to dental decay.  Children with TOTS may also have speech difficulties that may require extensive speech therapy.  For the infant, the common symptoms related to TOTS may include the following: several unsuccessful attempt sat nursing; colic, gassy, reflux; failure to gain weight or thrive; unsustained latch, calloused or blistered lips; and sinus congestion or snoring. For the mother, the most common symptoms may include: painful latch, cut or cracked areas; bleeding nipples; flattened, blanched or creased nipples; failure to bond with the infant leading to depression; or plugged, ducts, engorgement, mastitis or thrush.

 Why the Rise in TOTS?

One theory in relation to the rise in the number of detected cases of TOTS is the fortification of foods with

folic acid. In 1998, folic acid was added to foods such almost enriched bread flours, cornmeal, pasta, rice and grains in the U.S. and Canada. The intent behind adding this synthetic B vitamin to foods was to help prevent neural tube defects (NTD) in babies. Although adding folic acid to our food sources has reduced the number of NTD’s, it may have also lead to the rise in children being born with a particular genetic defect in what is called the “MTHFR” gene and subsequent poor postnatal folate status. This particular gene is a key regulator of “methylation”;one of the most important biochemical reactions in our body needed for healthy DNA function and overall health. It is recommended that woman take the natural active form of folate, not folic acid, during pregnancy.  Folate is also found in its natural form in dark green leafy vegetables.

How TOTS Affects Structure & Function 

TOTS is considered a “mid-line” defect; meaning it affects the centre or core of our body. The tongue is anatomically attached to the bone and fascial structures of the head and torso. The tension caused from the tethered tissues can create long-lasting structural changes to the musculoskeletal system; especially in the neck, cranium and face. The changes in these regions can then lead to adaptive changes throughout the rest of the body and then present as postural abnormalities or asymmetries. In infants, these postural challenges can lead to difficulties in reaching various developmental milestones such as: rolling over, creeping or crawling. Developmental milestones are necessary in order for a child develop a healthy sensory-motor system. Proper sensory input is essential for academic, social, emotional and motor skill learning and development. If there is abnormal structure of any spinal regions, this critical

sensory information may not make it to key areas of the brain and a child may develop a “disorganized” sensory motor system. A child may later on go on to receive the diagnosis of “Sensory Processing Disorder” and have trouble with attention, learning and/or behavior. TOTS can also affect the subtle “pumping” movement of the cranial bones. This action is necessary in order for the cerebral spinal fluid, the fluid that protects the brain and spinal cord, to move toxins and away from the brain. The cerebral spinal fluid is like a sewer system that eliminates waste but when the cranial pumping motion is inhibited, toxins can affect brain function and development.

Revision Intervention Options

There are various degrees of lip and tongue ties and various opinions on the necessity for intervention.  It is important to understand that a child does not need to display feeding or speech issues in order for there to be a problem. Dentists, pediatricians and ear, nose and throat doctors (ENT’s) are the primary Professionals that perform revision procedures. There are two methods for revisions: one uses a laser and one uses scissors. With either option, parents should interview the practitioner on their method and success rate for non-re-attachment post procedure. It is critical that when seeking an opinion, the parent does research within their community to find a practitioner that is well versed in the different degrees of tongue/lip ties and that they also understand the structural implications of tethered oral tissues. It is also important that the practitioner is versed in post procedure wound care and the need for stretching exercises, cranial-sacral and chiropractic care in order to prevent re-attachment of the tissues.

Why Chiropractic & Cranial Sacral Care is Important

Due to the structural changes associated with TOTS, it is imperative that pre and post revision care includes chiropractic spinal adjustments and cranial-sacral therapy. The spinal column; especially the cervical spine (neck region) has a vast amount of neurological sensory input projecting to the brain. If there are structural stressors on the spine or cranium, this will lead to poor neurological communication from the body to the brain which will alter proper neurological function and development. Specific spinal adjustments can restore proper musculoskeletal structure, which in turn will restore neurological function.

For more information visit

Digestion and Elimination Issues

Digestion and Elimination Issues

Colic, reflux and constipation are three common difficulties for infants, generally considered to be separate conditions that need to be treated individually. But in reality, the opposite is true. Digestion and elimination are two bodily systems that are directly linked and controlled by the central nervous system.

Pediatric chiropractors recognize that when your infant’s central nervous system is working properly, and the child is being given the proper nutrition, these three nightmares of motherhood can be controlled if not completely eliminated.


Colic has been defined as excessive, inconsolable crying of the infant, and research has shown that 10-20% of all infants under the age of 4 months suffer from infantile colic. Episodes of colic can happen anytime day or night but will usually begin to follow a pattern.

The general consensus between pediatricians is that colic is caused by excessive gas in the gastrointestinal tract and so their response is, of course, to medicate. The most commonly prescribed medication for the treatment of colic is dimethicone. The side effects of this drug include fatigue, sedation, blurred vision, loss of appetite, constipation, nausea and headache. While this list is certainly reason for pause, the most alarming fact is that the makers of this drug note on their literature that this chemical should not be given to infants under 6 months of age.


 While most infants will spit up a little after eating, infant reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) is a whole different matter entirely. It typically happens due to a relaxation of muscles at the bottom of the esophagus and is considered a result of a lack of coordination between the organs of the upper digestive system.

Sometimes the matter being regurgitated is breast milk or formula, but a lot of times it will include stomach acids causing the infant to be extremely distressed due to the discomfort caused to the esophagus.

The highest concern when an infant is suffering from infant reflux is the fear of “failure to thrive”. Since sometimes a large amount of the child’s nutrition is being regurgitated, many parents worry that they aren’t getting enough nutrition. With this concern in mind many pediatricians will immediately prescribe a drug treatment regimen.

Chemical Treatment of Reflux

The drugs most commonly used to treat infantile reflux are H2 blockers such as raniditine, famotidine and nizatidine (also known as Tagamet, Zantac and Pepcid). With all of these chemicals the side effects can include sleepiness, dizziness, rapid or changed heartbeat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and trouble breathing. It should also be noted that since this is a prescription that has to be given on a regular basis at specified times, missing doses can also cause irritating and uncomfortable side effects.

The second round of treatment when H2 blockers fail is usually proton pump inhibitors. These include esomeprazole, omeprazole and lansoprazole (also known as Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid). With these chemicals the side effects can include headache, diarrhea, abnormal heartbeat, rash, dizziness, muscle pain as well as nausea and vomiting. Has it not occurred to them that they’re actually causing what they want to stop?


 Constipation is generally defined as infrequent or hard stools. Our bodies naturally remove water from the stool while the fecal matter is in the colon, if the fecal matter remains in the colon too long and too much water is removed then the stool mass will be dry and hard. It’s as simple as that.

Generally, a child that has not had a bowel movement in three days or more may be constipated; however, your baby grunting or straining when passing stool isn’t a guaranteed diagnosis.

Typically a pediatrician will recommend either lactulose or a glycerine suppository. The problem with these is that they both have uncomfortable side effects that include diarrhea or cramping.

Current Chiropractic Research

A randomized clinical trial by Wiberg, et. al. studied infants that had been diagnosed with colic and reported that adjustments were proven to be more effective in relieving the infants’ symptoms than the drug dimethicone. In fact, the final results showed that Chiropractic care was 200% more effective than the typically recommended drug therapy.

Another case study by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association followed 132 infants with colic. In this study, 91% of parents reported their infant improved within one week of beginning care with just two to three adjustments. 

The Role of the Nervous System

Since your baby’s digestive and elimination systems are controlled by their central nervous system, a healthy spine is going to be conducive to a healthier infant. When vertebral subluxation is present in the spine it leads to the interference of nerve impulses, which may affect how your infant’s muscles, tissues and organs receive those messages.

Reflux has been attributed to a lack of coordination between the organs of the upper digestive system, and the digestive system is directly controlled by the central nervous system. Many parents report an improved quality of life for their children shortly after beginning Chiropractic care.

In regards to constipation, vertebral subluxation can sometimes be the cause of this discomfort. Parents who have chosen to take their child to a Family Wellness Chiropractor have reported improved bowel function and regular bowel movements with the initiation of a Chiropractic adjustment.


When you’re expecting a baby there are numerous decisions that need to be made: everything from diapers to working outside of the home. Right up there at the top of that list is: are you going to breastfeed your baby or not and, if so, for how long?

Abundant Benefits

Every year more scientific evidence is gathered to prove what many people already know: a mother’s milk is the best food for her baby. In February of 2005, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued its most aggressive statement to date urging mothers to breastfeed for at least a year and “as long as mutually desired”. Mother’s milk alone provides all of the nutrients necessary for a baby’s physical and mental development for at least six months, with the added benefit of natural immunity against numerous diseases.

For instance, studies have proven that breastfed babies experience fewer incidents of the following:

·  Ear Infections

·  Colds and Upper Respiratory Infections

·  Allergies and Asthma

·  Diarrhea or Gastrointestinal Disease

·  Childhood Lymphoma

·  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

The facts are in: the breastfed child has a stronger immune system, leading to an overall healthier and happier child.

Of course, it’s not just better for baby, Mom benefits as well with the following:

·  Decreased risk of breast cancer

·  Easier recovery from delivery

·  Financial savings

Yes, the mother that breastfeeds saves her family an estimated $1000 per year in medical bills along with $1500 per year that isn’t being spent on formula.


Breastfeeding should not be painful as this is a sure sign that the baby has not properly latched on. This is not an uncommon problem since, although nursing is instinctive, how to latch on is not and may require a little time and patience during the first few attempts.  If breastfeeding is still painful after multiple attempts to properly latch, take a moment to speak with your Chiropractor or a lactation specialist.  When a child cannot fully move their neck it makes it hard to nurse.  The presence of tongue or lip ties may also impede the nursing infant. Dr. Thompson exclusively breastfed bother her children and has extensive knowledge and training in both of these areas.

The Chiropractic Factor

Dr Thompson is supportive of breastfeeding and wants you and your baby to succeed. A newborn that can’t latch, refuses to suck, clamps down too fast or is not maintaining an open mouth may be suffering from an upper cervical subluxation and should be evaluated. If your newborn is manifesting any of these symptoms please contact Dr. Thompson to  schedule a pediatric chiropractic screening

What Is The Webster Technique?

By definition the Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that
reduces interference to the nerve system and balances maternal pelvic muscles and ligaments.
This in turn reduces torsion in the uterus, a cause of intra-uterine constraint of the baby and
allows for optimal fetal positioning in preparation for birth. Dr. Thompson is Webster certified
by the ICPA and has years of experience working with women with breech babies.

When misalignments occur in your pelvis they may cause the uterus to twist and pull,
and this can cause a tightening of the muscles of the uterine wall. When this happens
your baby can no longer move and becomes stuck in the wrong or unnatural position.
This position may cause difficulty during delivery and could result in your baby having to
be delivered by c-section.

It is my desire to correct the misalignment in your pelvis thus relaxing the uterine wall
and allowing your baby to naturally move into position for a quality labor and delivery.
However, this isn’t where my responsibility to you or your baby ends.

While in this unnatural position, your baby’s spine is being forced into an unnatural
position as well and this may have resulted in misalignments that can manifest as a
variety of common childhood disorders such as colic, reflux, chronic ear infections,
constipation, torticollis, etc. This is why I recommend all of my pregnant patients bring
their baby in for an evaluation following delivery.

Why Would My Child Need to See a Chiropractor?

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Modern day medicine suggests that if you’re not sick then you’re well. The Family Wellness Chiropractor knows better. A lack of obvious symptoms of illness does not mean that you and your family are healthy.

What is Subluxation?

Our spine protects our spinal cord, which is the message highway from our brain to all of our other muscles, tissues, organs and glands via the nerves that exit between each vertebrae. Commonly known as the “central nervous system”, it’s the master controller of all of your body’s systems. If just one vertebrae is even slightly out of alignment, it can cause nerve interference resulting in a lack of wellness. This lack of wellness will manifest itself in silent signs of subluxation, usually not given a lot of attention from a general practitioner or medical doctor. However, your family wellness chiropractor will recognize these signs right away.

Difficulty Sleeping

Subluxation can affect many areas but one of the most annoying is a disrupted sleep pattern.

Poor Posture

It goes without saying that our spine will affect our posture, however, what many parents don’t realize is that the majority of typical activities enjoyed by today’s youth will actually increase poor posture. It has been determined that the typical child spends 8 ½ hours a day “plugged in”. This means that for over 8 hours a day your child is bent over a hand-held video game or
laptop, slumped in a chair staring at a TV or computer screen, or hunched over their cell-phone sending text messages. If your child already has subluxation leading to poor posture, these typical daily activities are only going to make that existing problem worse.

Weak Immune System

If your child seems to be one of those children that catches every bug going around then this could be a sign of subluxation. Consider that the immune system operates by the brain recognizing an invader (virus or bacteria) and responds by telling the body to produce antibodies and eliminate the problem. If your child’s immune system is operating properly they will hardly show any symptoms of having contracted the cold, flu or other common childhood
illness. When your child’s spine is misaligned and the messages are interrupted from the brain to their muscles, organs and glands, their body will not function properly. Nerve interference will hinder the message and the glands won’t respond properly, which may result in your child’s body being unable to fight off the illness.

In fact, a study published in 2009, revealed that regular chiropractic care for children resulted in commonly reported immune system-related improvements. For instance, parents reported back that their children were sick less often, had improved sleep patterns and an improved emotional state or mood. It should also be noted that in all of these cases, these improvements were unrelated to the initial reason for seeking chiropractic care.

Behavioral Problems

A study published in 2010 found evidence to support the improvement in ADHD symptoms as well as other behavioral, social or emotional difficulties following routine wellness chiropractic care. Family Wellness Chiropractors recognize that beyond the effect of subluxation, our western culture and diet are contributing to behavioral problems in our children. With regular adjustments as well as diet and exercise recommendations, chiropractic care can be effective in
helping children.

Respiratory or Food Allergies

Whether your child suffers from runny noses and itchy eyes or asthma, respiratory allergies are highly irritating and food allergies can be equally frustrating, but your chiropractor might be able to help.

As with many of the other silent signs mentioned so far, nerve interference can be equally at fault in all types of allergies. Basically, allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to a food or airborne allergen that it has mistaken as harmful. It reacts by creating specific antibodies or histamine to fight something that isn’t really dangerous. A body that is functioning properly may not react this way.

Digestion and Elimination Problems

The process of digesting food and eliminating waste is another important bodily system controlled by the central nervous system. Nerve interference can affect how the body functions
resulting in common digestion and elimination problems such as colic, reflux, constipation and diarrhea.

In Summary

An absence of symptoms does not always mean the presence of health. Dr Thompson has
been specifically trained to recognize the silent signs of subluxation and help you and your family have a higher quality of life.